Today I am preparing for my second to the last day at a job I chose to stay at less than four months. Monday, I will embark on a journey with a new job. Less than a year ago I left my career to start down a new path. I left the financial industry determined never to look back, focus on my creativity, and work in the green or non-profit industry. Well, guess what?? I am going back to a financial institution (albeit a non-profit.)
As I was making the decision to go back to my previous career, I initially felt like I was going backwards, and wondered how I could end up back where I had already been. Then I remembered how one of my yoga teacher's suggested we think of a mountain as a metaphor for our life, and our individual journey as the road spiraling around the mountain to the summit. At many points during the journey we are going to stop and see a view that seems familiar. We may feel despair because we think we have ended up right back where we already were, as if we are going in circles. In those moments, if we are mindful, we will notice that the view is not exactly the same. We are a little bit higher up on our path and our view is expanding each time. Our perspective continues to grow the closer we get to the summit. We can now see more and carry with us what we learned from our perspective of this place at a lower point on our path. There is no need to feel frustrated, we are moving forward and getting closer to the top. When we reach the summit, we will have a panoramic view in all directions!
The last year has brought many twists and turns I never would have imagined. Ultimately it has made me stronger, humbled me, and made me much more aware of who and what really matters. I am not back where I started I have a whole new chance to have a entirely different experience with the experience and lessons I carry with me.
Good story and good analogy. Thanks for sharing and good luck with the new job.