Saturday, February 11, 2012

Be Kind

Yesterday I was reminded of how just simple kindness and genuine listening are the best gifts you can give another person.  As I worked my last day with my previous employer, I received numerous hugs and words of gratitude from the diverse group of people I worked with about how much they appreciated the way I treated them.

I didn't think I was doing anything exceptional, yet it touched so many people in such profound ways.  I strive to live my life with intention and integrity and yesterday I felt reassured that the energy I offer is making a difference in many people's lives.  I feel bursting with a feeling of inner contentment to know that what I aspire to give out is being received.  It reaffirms for me that each of us can make a difference, every moment, of every day. 

I am sure you all have examples of time when something seemingly insignificant had a significantly positive and meaningful impact on another. 

1 comment:

  1. Great story although I wonder why people never express those thoughts and emotions until a person leaves? How much better could the world be if we didn't wait until the end to share positive thoughts?


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